I went to the hospital for a routine procedure that was to take a couple hours. It was late in the afternoon and I remember the beige decor of the room as I headed out on the hospital bed. Once in the procedure room, the doctors moved quickly; like a well-oiled machine. Next thing I know, I'm out like a light.
What was to be a 2-hour procedure took much longer and it was evident that something had gone wrong. I was informed that the procedure had complications and that I had bled profusely, requiring 8 units of blood. The doctors had been on the phone with my wife who was on her way and informed her that I might not make it. She informed them she was 15 minutes out and the doctor told her that I might not make it that long.
I made it.
My liver had been in far worse condition than we anticipated and the aggregate result was that I was put on the transplant list immediately. My skin color had begun to change, my eyes were yellowing as what was left of my liver was trying desperately to function. The doctors informed my wife, my family, and me that I would be staying in the hospital until aa transplant would take place. What normally takes months was going to be attempted within a few days.
The impossible was about to become a reality.
The first liver offer didn't come through because the liver wasn't a fit. Disappointed, I figured that it would be days before another would come through. Literally, within hours, two more offers for livers come forth and while the second didn't work out, the third did.
I was wheeled down to the area outside of the operating room, surrounded by family and friends as they cheered me on. An impromptu chant of, "Clear eyes, full heart, can't lose" came forth and made the nurses laugh. The last thing I remember about the operating room was that it was very white and clean.
When I woke up, the room was completely different. Rather than the beige curtains and decor, it was crimson. For a moment, I thought that I had been transferred to OU hospital or something. Tubes ran in and out of me, helping me to breathe, to get rid of waste, and to keep stuff out of my stomach. It was a shocking experience. When I was informed that I had a transplant, I didn't believe it and was sure that everyone was lying to me. The meds were working hardcore.
I was in the intensive care unit, by the way. I was in good hands. The whole staff on the transplant team are amazing people. Kind and caring, I can't imagine a more prepared team.
There's a lot more to the story and I plan to share it with you over the next few days. I want you to walk away from this piece is that the impossible became possible for me and it can for you too. I didn't know if I believed in miracles in the sense that regular guys like me can be touched by the Almighty, but today, I do. How everything took place, the timeline, the availability of transplant donors, and the miraculous way how an unquestionably difficult surgery was completed were all evidence of the presence and mercy of the Creator.
More to follow.
Ron "Gorilla" Black