It's been a fun, exciting, and challenging week and I thought I would take a few moments to share some of the excitement with you!
First, Signal 8 Band (my band) is starting to really come together with the new members. We are pumped up and looking forward to our maiden voyage at the Blowout Club in Guthrie, July 15. We have an intense set list, great entertainment, and a group of guys who are chomping at the bit to perform for you. If you can clear your schedule, you're invited to come out and watch us jam the night away with classic rock, contemporary country, and even some pop tunes by folks like the Gin Blossoms.
Second, you have no doubt seen the Fox 25 report about the County Clerk's race wherein the incumbent Carolynn Caudill had former Governor Frank Keating on a mailer endorsing her. The truth of the matter is that she did not, in fact, have Governor Keating's endorsement or anything like it. She also listed endorsements from a couple folks who are actually deceased. Of course, this isn't the first time that she's run into trouble; she was arrested for DUI and leaving the scene of an accident and had most recently tried to get the record expunged. In my not-so-humble opinion, she has become the poster child for everything that is wrong with politics. This is not an ad hominem attack, but rather stating the facts. One can only hope that the taxpayers and voters of Oklahoma County realize that it's time for a change and will vote for someone with private sector and public sector experience who won't be an embarrassment to Oklahoma County. Which is why I support Charlie Phillips whole heartedly. She is the real deal and I don't toss that kind of a statement around. There is more to the story about some of Caudill's shenanigans and will be reported on Monday on Fox 25. Phil Cross is the only television reporter with the stones to report this stuff.
Third, floods on the east coast have cost people their lives and then, the news of the Duncan boy with autism came out that his body was recovered and that he is deceased. It's tragic and horrifying and to hear of a young child losing his life is nothing short of heartbreaking. Seeing his picture on the news brought forth images of grieving parents, friends, and supporters and it makes one wonder just what in the heck is happening to us as a nation and as human beings. We can only hope that the boy is now with the Father and that his parents will somehow find a way scratch and claw their way back.

Lastly, do yourself a favor and shake the hand of a veteran and tell him or her thank you. We have so much hero worship in this country and have a disgusting propensity to forget the ones who lay down their lives for our freedoms. There are a lot of idiots in politics, but it's because of our veterans that we can even have idiots in politics.
These are just my opinions and I could be wrong, but I seriously doubt it.
Ron "Gorilla" Black