From Gary's website:
"Gary Jones is the watchdog Oklahoma voters need as our next State Auditor and Inspector. When it comes to exposing fraud and corruption in state government, Gary has proven himself to be up to the task.This is huge for a number of reasons. First, there is no one in Oklahoma (or national) politics more in tune with small, responsible government as Tom Coburn. Secondly, the man is wickedly popular with Republicans and Democrats alike who are all about fiscal conservatism.
Gary Jones understands that just as important as exposing corruption, we must also address the issues of waste, duplication and inefficiencies in our state. Oklahoma citizens work too hard to see their tax dollars wasted.
Gary knows that we must make tough decisions today if we expect to give our children and grandchildren the same opportunities we were given by our parents and grandparents." ~ Senator Tom Coburn
Congrats to Gary.