I can remember what it was like serving in the United States Navy under Ronald Reagan and Bush (41). It was a remarkably different time and though my fellow sailors were facing a carrier-load of trouble for $400 toilet seat (ouch), it was an amazing experience. The mere thought of Ronald Reagan coming to one of our military installations was enough to get the troops fired up, ready to take on just about anything.
Since that time, it's as though our expectations have been diminished and have lowered our standards. We're just not excited about our candidates for public office like we were back then. While I supported George W. Bush quite emphatically and opposed the candidacy of John Kerry, I did so with a great deal of consternation. It wasn't that I was in love with "W," but really the thought of John Kerry in the White House made me incontinent.
I remember my fellow talk shows hosts who celebrated with reckless abandon after the victory, whereas I opened my show with Mozart's Requiem Mass (Kyrie) and encouraged my fellow Republicans not to kiss each other on the mouth too deeply because my GOP had made numerous promises that we were duty-bound to fulfill or within a few short years, control would be relinquished and the pendulum would swing so far to the left that we would scarcely even recognize Washington.
Guess what? I was right.
Here in Oklahoma, we have bucked the trends and not only have we (Republicans) dominated in the House and Senate, but we became owners of arguably one of the most powerful posts in all of Oklahoma - the Oklahoma Corporation Commission. The demise of Oklahoma democrats has been written on the wall with the election and horrific policies of President Obama, as well as the impotence of Congress. The frustration has reached epic proportions and now, the Republicans will have virtually a clean sweep in November.
Republicans will maintain the House and the Senate, will win the Labor Commissioner seat, probably the Superintendent of Public Instruction post and Gary Jones will defeat Burrage, the Brad Henry appointee for State Auditor and Inspector.
And, Mary Fallin will defeat Jari Askins to become the first woman governor of the great state of Oklahoma.
No doubt, this blog has been tough of the Fallin campaign at times and yes, I have taken some much-deserved shots at the Askins campaign as well. The feedback received has been phenomenal and exceptionally entertaining. But at the end of the day, Oklahomans love Mary Fallin. The Oklahoman even commented about her "charm" and her exceptionally personable manner.
We live in very different times and our desire to consider the rule of unintended consequences just doesn't factor in whatsoever. We're not interested so much in elected the most "qualified" candidates and we haven't been really for a few years. We elect the candidates with the catchy tunes, the impressive commercials and the best catch-phrases.
We're ready for change from the change we experienced this last election cycle (Obama and the borderline Socialist regime that has taken over Washington). It would take a miracle or an "October surprise" from the Askins campaign that would make the Iran-Contra scandal look like an episode of Big Brother. Askins has the money, the desire and the ability put together some pretty creative advertisements to re-introduce herself to the majority of Oklahoma voters, but the undercurrent of anti-Washington/anti-Democrat sentiment will eventually be just too much for her campaign staff to handle.
It has been the perfect storm - and the RGA (Republican Governor's Association) ads have given Fallin a golden surfboard to ride the wave to the Governor's Mansion. Coupled with Mary's smiling, charming anti-Washington ads and her state travel via rail, people may not be overjoyed with the choices, but they will line up excited to cast their vote for Mary. Mary has received the support of virtually every political blog dealing with Oklahoma politics, and the support of the uber-popular Republican hottie Sarah Palin certainly didn't hurt Mary.
Unless Askins can generate news about a Fallin scandal of Biblical proportions, the election is a fait au compli - a done deal, my friends. Mary is a 2nd Amendment supporter, a very outspoken pro-life advocate and she supports Oklahoma's hunting and fishing industry enthusiastically. All of those issues have been important to me personally. There are some questions about Mary's credentials on the issue of illegal immigration and yes, it is largely a federal issue - I don't care what the spin doctors try to tell us. And that certainly is not to say that Askins would be any better, by the way.
Whether Oklahoma becomes a virtual Nirvana (mythical location, not the band) for business is doubtful, but the Republicans will once again have the opportunity to fulfill some promises and get the ship headed on the right course. Wouldn't it be nice to experience once again the excitement we did back when Reagan was president? Wouldn't it be spectacular for us to live in a country once again where freedom was was all-important and government intrusion was only a pipe dream for hardcore liberals?
We have a lot of work to do and it begins by getting voters enthusiastic about voting.