Here's a brief look at what's happening today in my world...
SMOKE, FIRE, ETC. Mike McCarville stirred it up with his commentary and running stories on InsureNet Spy Cameras and he has struck journalistic gold with his latest find. You must read this story. Pettigrew faces $200 fine in Nevada.
DANA MURPHY REACHES FUND RAISING GOAL, READY FOR FILING: Next week is filing day for candidates for public office and incumbent Dana Murphy sent out a release indicating that she had reached a $310,000+ benchmark in fund raising. She plans to be at the filing ceremony at the capitol at 10:30am Monday. Murphy defeated Jim Roth who was appointed by Governor Henry. Her website is here.
DHS WORKER TO RETIRE: And in this case, it comes at the right time. The Oklahoman is reporting that caseworker Yolanda Hunter who was involved in the Kelsey Briggs case was also involved in the case surrounding a young girl who was murdered recently. This is but another example of how the system needs reform horribly. Unfortunately for some, DHS is the last resort for kids of dysfunctional families. No doubt, there are many families who would greatly benefit from social services, however, there are those who are chronically dysfunctional - no amount of drug rehab or anything else will help. The legislature should take a long, hard look at how family courts and social services are run in this state. Read the story here.
LT. GOVERNOR JARI ASKINS LAUNCHES FIRST TELEVISION SPOT: And the race is ON! No doubt you saw the KOKH Fox 25 report about how the Lt. Governor's office and the Attorney General's office have traded barbs by asking for Freedom of Information Act requests with one another in the hopes of bringing up some dirt in the upcoming primary for Governor, but it looks like Jari Askins is the first to launch her television commercial. Take a look-see for yourself and let me know what you think.
Keep checking back...more to follow...