MARK SHANNON: According to various reports, The Shanster is going to be headed home on Saturday. This is a good sign, but as always, we must continue to pray for his full recovery and that God will bless he and his wife, Kris. His health is still not that great, but our God is. He can do that which we believe impossible.
Watch the Fox 25 piece on the Shanster here.
THE GIRLS: Lots of people have sent e-mails and well-wishes for the two girls under our care. They lost their mother a little while back and the update is that they are enrolled in Edmond schools, going through the standardized testing all kids are experiencing right now and are getting comfortable in their surroundings. Losing a mother is never easy - I've experienced it myself, but the prayers and thoughts of friends has been immeasurably helpful. We're seeing some dramatic changes in them as they are surrounded by people who are seriously looking out for their best interests and are showering them with care and love. It's amazing to see God's people work together to meet the need of two young girls who are finally getting to experience what it's like to be young girls. Thank you for your kindness and your prayers.
SUPERINTENDENT RACE: The McCarville Report is reporting that Shawn Hime has dropped out of the race because of health reasons. Janet Barresi's reponse was kind and very endearing. She wrote:
“My prayers go out to Shawn and his family as he deals with his health issue. As anyone who has been a statewide candidate knows, running for office is a difficult task that takes a tremendous amount of time and energy. To try to do so while balancing the needs of a career, family and health would be a very difficult task. I wish Shawn, his family, and Enid Schools all the best.”Classy, I tell you.