Everyone listens to Internet radio in one form or another - at least they should. Most of our local radio stations have streaming broadcasts of their programming 24 hours a day and every now and then, you'll catch a particularly wonderful segment you love (or hate) and want to play it back to yourself over, and over, and over... You get the picture.
Audacity 1.3 is an incredible little piece of FREE software you can download to record streaming audio from virtually any website. There are a few system requirements and setting up your sound card to record is pretty simple. If I can do it, you can as well.
I've been using this software for quite some time and many of the downloads I have saved as mp3 files and listen to them on my Blackberry. It's great to use when someone says "I never said that on the air," and you retort with, "Listen to THIS." I love it when a plan comes together...
If you would like to record streaming audio, this is a must-have bit of software. Check out the website here.