State GOP Chair, Gary Jones, has resigned from his post as GOP Chair so he can run for State Auditor and that leaves people wondering, what now? Well, from what I understand, Vice Chair Angie LaPlante is now the interim Chair of the GOP until one is elected at the State Committee meeting at the end of the month.
Angie LaPlante (pictured, left in the photo) will do the job gratis, so there is no conflict of interest between her job with Ken Miller. Miller is a candidate for State Treasurer.
Some names that have been bantered about are Steve Fair and Matt Pinnell to lead the charge as the head of the State GOP. While many will be looking for leadership to raise funds, I want to see if we can have someone who can take on Ben Odom on KTOK with Reid Mullins. The Turpen/Humphries love-fest on Flash Point is about all I can take...
Stay tuned, this is going to get bumpy.
There has been a great deal of disturbance in the GOP Force as a result of LaPlante's involvement in the Miller campaign while she is the state GOP Vice Chair. With her as the interim Chair, there will be an even greater disturbance and no doubt, plenty of blog entries to call into question her motivation. Truth be known, I don't think Angie would do anything untoward and of all the interim Chairs the GOP could have, she is one of the most objective.