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Wednesday, June 09, 2010

Candidate Filing Done, A Few Surprises

With a great deal of media coverage, candidate filings for the state of Oklahoma are now behind us and the candidates are sizing up their competition.  But there were a few surprises, to be sure.

CORPORATION COMMISSIONER:  Dana Murphy, the incumbent who first defeated former Representative Rob Johnson in the primary, then took on Brad Henry's friend Jim Roth, actually drew an opponent in her re-election bid.  And her opponent is a Republican.  This came as a surprise to most within GOP circles because Dana has raised quite a bit of cash and has significant name recognition.  Maybe you're not surprised, but I am.

STATE AUDITOR:  Sure, there was some chatter about GOP Chair Gary Jones running a third time for State Auditor, but most figured that Gary would decline since a Republican filed for the office.  But alas, Gary did, in fact, file to run against the man appointed by Brad Henry. 

DAN BOREN FACES 7 OPPONENTS:  Congressman Dan Boren will be facing 7 opponents, including one Democrat in his bid for re-election.  Boren has been labeled as a "liberal" by many in Oklahoma and though he is not exactly Mike Pence, he is hardly liberal.  This is going to be a fascinating race to watch.  Boren is on the Board of Directors for the NRA, has support from many within the ORA and frankly, he is certainly not like his father.

OKLAHOMA COUNTY DISTRICT ATTORNEY GETS FOUR MORE YEARS:  Rumors abounded, only to be proven incorrect, that David Prater would see opposition in his re-election for Oklahoma County District Attorney.  Prater defeated incumbent Wes Lane in what was clearly a historic upset, proving that yes, a conservative Democrat can win in Oklahoma County against one of their favorite sons.  I make no bones about the fact that David is a friend of mine and has been for a number of years.  He's one of those individuals who are remarkably perfect for their jobs.  To be perfectly candid, in this political climate, I fully expected to see a Republican jump up to run against him. 

No doubt, there will be more surprises over the course of the next few weeks.  The primary is upon us, friends.