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Monday, June 07, 2010

Marines Make Candidate Pull Ad

Just how far can a candidate go who is a member of the military reserves?  Can they have pictures of themselves in uniform on their print and electronic ads?  It depends upon whom you ask, but from what I have read and remember from my days in the military, the answer is a resounding "no." 

Men and women of the Armed Forces should be proud of their service to this great nation, no doubt.  Not many can understand the fraternal emotion shared between those who have raised their right hand, sworn an oath and stood a post.  But the question remains in the minds of the public as to whether or not it is part of a campaign ploy or a legitimate aspect of a candidate's life.  Here is a story about a Marine and what happened to him:

Congressional candidate Vaughn Ward has violated a Pentagon directive prohibiting the impression that his campaign is supported by the military, according to the Marine Corps.
Ward is a Marine major assigned to 28 days of annual reserve duty at the Office of Legislative Affairs in Washington, D.C. Ward won a Bronze Star with Combat V for valor for leading a Marine company in Iraq from April to October 2006.
Ward and state Rep. Raul Labrador are the top candidates in the May 25 Republican primary. The winner will challenge Democratic Rep. Walt Minnick in November.
The Marine Corps wrote Ward earlier this month saying his online ad on the Drudge Report website on March 31 and April 1 violated the directive. The ad showed Ward in camouflage and body armor and said, "With Your Help I Will Vote To Repeal ObamaCare!"
The $2,500 ad encouraged contributions and directed viewers to the campaign website, vaughnward.com.
You can read the whole story here for yourself and make your own judgment.

As for me, the jury is still out.