From Palin's endorsement:
Mary Fallin is another strong, smart conservative who I am proud to support. Mary is running for Governor of Oklahoma, and the Sooner State is fortunate to have her offer to serve in this new capacity. Mary’s another fiscal conservative with policy experience, political backbone, and real world knowledge that will serve the entire state well as she proves her mettle as Oklahoma’s next CEO. Her personal, professional, and political background gives her a healthy perspective on the challenges facing so many of our families and businesses. Mary truly understands public service, and she served her state with distinction in Congress and as the first Republican and first female lieutenant governor in Oklahoma history. Sharing the aforementioned foundational values of Cathy and Star and so many other Americans, Mary also understands the complexities of our domestic energy policy and has been a consistent voice for energy independence. Please visit Mary’s website at and follow her on Facebook and Twitter.Saturday Night Live has lampooned Palin numerous times and her approval rating continues to soar. Like Fallin, the more you attack her on ridiculous issues that are not relevant to the race at hand, the more people feel empathy for her and rally behind her. Something the Brogdon campaign supporters have yet to learn.
Palin is incredibly popular in Oklahoma, and this endorsement will stand out above others in the gubernatorial race. People are just now starting to pay close attention to this race and they will continue to do so as the primary approaches.