More and more people are hesitant to fly the GOP banner high because of accusations of corruption, candidates who are churned out by the same consultants with the same boilerplate message and no real experience. Whether it be career politicians or potential candidates with the largest bank accounts, the GOP grassroots has been wondering just what the hell is going on?
I believe Matt Pinnell to be the guy to put the GOP ship back on course, and to return to the days when party leadership recruited candidates, not consultants. He knows how the game is played and has assured me that he would speak out against some of the mess we have - such as people recruiting candidates against solid Republican statewide candidates like Dana Murphy.
Matt's history:
• Former campaign aide to Congressman Steve Largent, State Senator Scott Pruitt, and U.S. Senator Tom Coburn, M.D.I think he would be a good man for the job, for what it's worth.
• Worked under two State GOP Chairman: Tom Daxon and Gary Jones in the position of Director of Operations. In this role I helped the State Party raise unprecedented levels of contributions and worked with County Chairs across the state.
• Served as the "Oklahoma Victory" Director for the OKGOP for the McCain-Palin ticket, helping John McCain win 65.4% of the vote in OK, the highest percentage in the nation.
• Former Executive Director of American Majority-Oklahoma. Helped train literally thousands of activists and conducted dozens of candidate trainings across Oklahoma.