It started (sort of) in the primary with Rick Flanigan taking shots at Calvey for his violation of DOD directives by using his uniform in ads and Calvey survived. Now that Lankford is the darling of the media in the run-off, Calvey is under attack yet again by the Oklahoman.
Lankford responded quickly to alleged robo-calls that have been rumored to be sent out in Northwest Oklahoma City and he did so quickly, making himself appear like a victim right off the bat and it is a brilliant political tactic. Voters immediately feel sorry for him and it has Calvey's team scrambling to deny that they have any part in the calls. [Read McCarville's Report on this one.]
In what is rumored to be "just the beginning" in attacks from the Oklahoman, Calvey's campaign contributions have been called into question and it all points to an equity firm run by Calvey's brother. [Read the story here.]
Lankford has thus far campaigned as an "outsider," but he has a plethora of insiders working with his campaign and hiring the Thompson team has clearly benefited him financially and now with attacks on his opponent. The interests of the Oklahoman are very much that which the business group supporting Thompson did as well. More than likely, the never thought Lankford would make the run-off and that Thompson would face Calvey where thousands of dollars would be spent to defeat him.
Lankford is now their "guy." And when special interests adopt one candidate over another who has more experience in business, you have to ask yourself why.
But will Lankford get a "free pass?" Will the Oklahoman call into question Lankford's experience? His record? Many Lankford supporters thought he was/is the CEO at Falls Creek, rather that Program Director. Will the Oklahoman or Tulsa World take a look at some of the contributions for Lankford? Probably not. It doesn't serve their interests to do so.
But you can expect Calvey's team to fight back. They don't like losing and they will hit back and when they do, it won't be pretty. While the mainstream media is jumping on the Lankford bandwagon and ignoring the real questions of qualifications, the Calvey team will level the playing field and they have the money to do it. If there is any dirt on Lankford, expect it to be revealed in the next 10 days.