151 Band

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

To Debate or Not To Debate?

More and more chatter about a gubernatorial debate between Congresswoman Mary Fallin and State Senator Randy Brogdon is heating up and talk radio in both major markets in Oklahoma are still fired up about it.  But will it accomplish anything?

We have talked about it previously, friends:  Every election cycle, men and women get fired up about debates and more often than not, it is the trailing candidate and his/her supporters who have the highest volume.  Think about it:  If State Senator Randy Brogdon were the front-runner, do you honestly believe that his campaign strategy would be to give Congresswoman Mary Fallin much-needed earned media to get out her message? 

Of course not!

So, it's fun to listen to the supporters of Randy Brogdon to get all ginned up about debates, but the truth of the matter is that it is simply part of the campaign cycle.  More than likely, if history serves us correctly, we'll see a series of debates that will probably begin at the end of May and conclude two weeks prior to the primary itself.

It's standard protocol, friends.  There will be a debate and the result will be pretty much what most pundits are expecting:  Unless there is a proverbial "smoking gun" in the Fallin camp, State Senator Randy Brogdon will begin his preparation for a Congressional race in a couple years and Fallin will take on the Democratic nominee for Governor. 

In my opinion, most of the issues Brogdon has been talking about truly are Congressional in nature.  I think he would make a spectacular member of the Oklahoma Congressional Delegation.

Democrats are quiet about it, but you can bet they would much rather see Jari Askins rather than Drew Edmondson take on Mary Fallin.

Now, I could be wrong, but I seriously doubt it.
