Not one, not two but three attack ads against Lt. Governor Jari Askins from the RGA. Three from the Republican Governor's Association, one from the Fallin campaign itself. These things aren't arbitrary - there is a reason for the onslaught of these ads.
There's just something about Jari.
But what is it? What is it about Jari Askins that has the Fallin campaign and the RGA so determined to knock Jari down a peg or two? So far, the attacks have been a little misleading - as in the first RGA ad. The Tulsa World and the Oklahoman alike (as did the majority on a few online polls) agreed that it was a ridiculous attack ad with little or no merit whatsoever. But what was the response? More attacks from the RGA and Fallin campaign.
So, I leave it to you...ask yourself, "Why?" Is Jari Askins that well-liked in Oklahoma that there has to be attacks to lessen her favorable ratings? Why is the Fallin machine afraid of Jari Askins?
Mary Fallin spent $1.9 million to defeat State Senator Randy Brogdon. How much will she and her supporters spend to defeat a legitimate statewide candidate? Or rather, how much will they HAVE to spend?
You make the call.