Bored? Looking for something to do? Believe it or not, there is plenty to do in the great state of Oklahoma. Here are just a few ideas...
Dove Season Opens. This is opening weekend of dove season in Oklahoma and if you're a hunter up for a challenge, this could be for you. Dove hunting isn't like some of the more high-brow game bird hunting such as quail or pheasant. Dove hunting is a serious challenge as those birds are like rockets with wings when they come in. It's not a stalk, it's a sit-and-wait game but when they come to you, you had better be ready. It's a blast (pun intended).
OCCC Arts Festival. Crafts, art, cars and even some food are available at the Arts Festival at Oklahoma City Community College. If you've driven I44 on the south side, you've no doubt seen the massive tents that are set up in the parking lot. From what I understand, it's a big one and a lot of fun too. Jeff Gullet, a friend of mine and former producer of talk radio on KTOK will be there with his glass art - something you really need to see. He has an amazing talent.
Community Walk for Suicide Prevention. While it may not be as fun as the arts festival or slaying a few dove, there is a very worthwhile cause hosting a walk Saturday morning. The Out of the Darkness Community Walk for Suicide Prevention takes place tomorrow morning and the weather looks good. It starts at 8am at the Oklahoma City Zoo. For more information, go to
There are three things to keep you busy and out of trouble!