Dog Days: Cletus, our Rottweiler, is an interesting specimen. Regardless of the number of toys purchased for the critter or the amount of time spend playing with the fella, his appetite for lawn mowers, patio furniture and tree limbs seem insatiable. Big dogs have big appetites. Just a warning.
Losing Technology Race: Yes, it's true. America is losing the technology race and part of the reason is horrific American engineering - yes, I said that out loud. Recently, there were a few conversations from the CEO of Intel where he stated quite clearly that taxes on American corporations are forcing research and development out of the country. I am convinced that part of that R&D loss is evident in my Chevy Avalanche. It has gone through four diagnostic tests about the "reduced engine power" problem and no one has found any decisive problems, except to prove that yes, a problem exists. We've replaced the battery at the dealer suggestion and it worked for about three days and then again, the problem rears its ugly head. No one seems to know what the causal factors are, so the next step is to call an exorcist - both for my truck as well as for the federal tax code.
Back To The Game Tomorrow: My "fast" from politics ends tomorrow and as we approach the November election, there is much to discuss and much to determine about the efficacy of messages from candidates. It's going to be fun.
Cost Of Homelessness: According to a story in the Oklahoman (here), the cost of homelessness in Oklahoma City is a little over $27 million per year. The story includes commentary from City Rescue Mission and others who have their own motivations...but the truth of the matter is that the issue of homelessness could be largely solved if the faith community got involved more aggressively. For example, a study conducted and provided to Congress a few years ago by the Trinity Foundation determined that for each mosque, church and synagogue in this country, there exists a homeless person or family. If each faith community took on a homeless person and provided needed transportation, job training/assistance, medical care and housing, the homeless problem as we know it would cease to exist. Sure, we'd still have the chronically transient, but the problem would no longer be a problem but rather a way to serve.