151 Band

Monday, September 20, 2010

Kudos to Oklahoma State University

For any of you who have frequented this blog (and there are more and more of you every day - thank you), you know that I am a veteran and have supported veteran's causes for a long time. Whether it be the Mid-America Chapter of the Paralyzed Veterans of America or the Hugs Project, I believe we could all do more to support our men and women in uniform.

And you also know, I am not a Burns Hargis fan.  But now, Oklahoma State University has given us a reason to cheer them on beyond just their football team.

According to this outstanding article in the Oklahoman (here), OSU has teamed up with Pepsi and Waste Management to put together a recycling program that will provide revenues for a boot camp program for veterans with disabilities.

Read the whole article here.  Please.